Leviathan Wakes

Book 1 of the Expanse

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James S.A. Corey: Leviathan Wakes (EBook, 2011, Orbit)

Libro electrónico, 582 páginas

Idioma English

Publicado el 11 de Noviembre de 2011 por Orbit.

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4 estrellas (2 reseñas)

When Captain Jim Holden's ice miner stumbles across a derelict, abandoned ship, he uncovers a secret that threatens to throw the entire system into war. Attacked by a stealth ship belonging to the Mars fleet, Holden must find a way to uncover the motives behind the attack, stop a war and find the truth behind a vast conspiracy that threatens the entire human race.

19 ediciones

Another series I've got to read now!

4 estrellas

Came from watching the series so there was always the chance of not getting on with the books. Shouldn't have worried though I found this to be a great step up from the series (which I still really like). Lots of extra depth here about what's going on in the story, and I especially appreciated the extra time spent getting to know Miller.

Definitely looking forward to the next one.

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4 estrellas


  • Space warfare
  • Interplanetary voyages
  • Fiction