4 estrellas
A great start to what became a great experience reading the series with my wife and oldest daughter over the next three years.
J. K. Rowling, J.K Rowling, Jean-François Ménard, Levi Pinfold: Gryffondor (Hardcover, French language, 2018, GALLIMARD JEUNE)
Tapa dura, 384 páginas
Idioma French
Publicado el 10 de Julio de 2018 por GALLIMARD JEUNE.
Harry Potter #1
When mysterious letters start arriving on his doorstep, Harry Potter has never heard of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
They are swiftly confiscated by his aunt and uncle.
Then, on Harry’s eleventh birthday, a strange man bursts in with some important news: Harry Potter is a wizard and has been awarded a place to study at Hogwarts.
And so the first of the Harry Potter adventures is set to begin. (source)
A great start to what became a great experience reading the series with my wife and oldest daughter over the next three years.